Why You Can Get Lower Back Pain from Squats

There are many reasons why you can get lower pain. Our pain clinic Langhorne PA sees clients for a wide variety of reasons every day. Every so often, somebody will come into our office complaining about back pain that they believe was caused by squats.

5 Reasons You Might Be Having Lower Back Pain from Squats

There are many reasons that you can experience lower back pain from squats. Below, we will cover some of the most common reasons that this can happen. In any case, consider getting a pain intervention Newtown PA or one of our other locations if your back pain is too much to bear.

1. Using Too Much Weight Too Fast

It is always nice to add some extra weight and move up in your weight class, but doing so can quickly result in problems. You can easily pull and strain muscles this way. Be sure to stick to a weight you are comfortable with until it is simply too easy for you.

2. Poor Squatting Technique

Remember that squats are supposed to be focused around your leg muscles. Many people make the mistake of leaning over and putting too much weight onto their back muscles instead of their leg muscles. This is a sure-fire way to get injured and start searching the internet for pain management doctors near me.

3. Previous Back Injury

One of the most common reasons that people can encounter problems with doing squats is because they went through a previous back injury that didn’t quite heal. The first thing to check in this scenario is that you are using the right form so that the weight hits your leg muscles, and not your back. Otherwise, consider finding a different way to build up your leg muscles.

4. Not Using Proper Support

Have you ever seen one of those belts sitting around the gym that looks like a wrestling champion’s belt? Well, they are actually there for this purpose. If you have problems with back pain after doing squats, one of the best things you can do is to start using a belt for back support.

5. Weak Surrounding Muscles

Doing squats is often a lot more complex than simply using your thighs. If you have weak surrounding muscles in your lower back, perhaps combined with bad form and improper support, it can be easy to experience lower back pain from squats.


Original Source: https://bit.ly/2rTCtZu